Conference Organising Committee
- Dagmar Hempel, (Convenor), Physiotherapist, Pain Management Service, Health NZ - Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley
- Sue Anderson, Nurse Practitioner, Hutt Valley Health
- Lorraine Craig, Clinical Psychologist, Health NZ - Capital & Coast
- Hemakumar Devan, (Co-convenor), Lecturer & Pain Management Physiotherapist, University of Otago & Capital, Health NZ - Coast & Hutt Valley
- Iris Humm, Postgraduate Student, University of Otago Wellington
- Louise Lynch, Pain Management Specialist, Capital, Health NZ - Coast and Hutt Valley
- Linda Roeters, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Acute Pain Management Service, Health NZ - Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley
- Christopher Turnbull, Psychiatrist, Health NZ - Capital & Coast
- Janet Whelan, Occupational Therapist, Pain Management Service, Health NZ - Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley