Professor Joke Bradt
Director, PhD Program in Creative Arts Therapies, Drexel University, USA
Joke Bradt, PhD, MT-BC is Professor and Director of the PhD program in Creative Arts Therapies at Drexel University (United States). She is a board-certified music therapist and her federally funded research program has focused on the development and testing of music therapy interventions for chronic pain and symptom management. She has completed several federally funded music therapy clinical trials for chronic pain. She is the co-PI on a large comparative-effectiveness trial funded by PCORI to compare the effects of virtual music therapy with virtual cognitive-behavioral therapy on anxiety in cancer survivors. She is the lead author of several Cochrane Systematic Reviews on music interventions with medical patients. Dr. Bradt leads the Music4Pain Research Network, funded by the National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health and the Office of Behavior and Social Sciences Research (National Institutes of Health), and is co-founder of the International Music Therapy Clinical Trials Network (IMTCTnet). Finally, she served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy from 2015-2023.