Rachel van Gorp
Principal Lecturer, School of Business, Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, NZ
Rachel is an accomplished Principal Lecturer with a diverse professional background spanning banking, personal training, massage therapy, business ownership, mentorship, and volunteering. As a valued member of the Otago Polytechnic School of Business, she brings a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to her undergraduate teaching programs.
A passionate advocate for neurodivergent individuals in vocational education, Rachel is a founding member of the Neurodiversity Community of Practice (NDCoP). She is dedicated to fostering inclusion and ensuring equal opportunities for learners with diverse cognitive profiles. Her Master of Professional Practice research focused on Neurodiversity in Vocational Education: Facilitating Success, further solidifying her commitment to this vital field. Rachel’s unique blend of industry experience and academic insight allows her to create engaging, real-world learning experiences for her learners. She is highly regarded for her contributions to vocational education and her work in advancing neurodiversity awareness. Through her teaching, advocacy, and leadership, she continues to make a meaningful impact on both her learners and the broader educational community. |